WFT is created by and inspired for Writers who are willing to begin giving back what they have taken:
The lives of countless Trees to support the Art/Craft.
If you are a writer or avid book reader, WFTs is asking that you please begin to consider going fully digital or for the avid reader if you must have printed text then commit to only purchasing used books or use the local library. We are finally at the place where it is no longer necessary to take the lives of our Amazing Trees to express one's Art/Craft. However, if you are unable or unwilling to make such a leap at this time, then please consider printing the least amount of books to satisfy your desire. Taking these steps will begin making printed materials the well-deserved "Sacred Texts" that they are ... for they ride upon the back of the Earth's environment and at the expense of the Amazing Trees that Gift us:
The ablity to breath.
It is time we begin to return the Gifts we have been Given. Until we have a more responsible solution ... please consider going digital by clicking here.